Who We Are
The Kenya Association of Tour Operators KATO, (formed in 1978), is one of Kenya’s leading tourism trade associations representing the interests of over 300 of the most experienced tour operators in Kenya. Our membership comprises, both large and small operators.
KATO’s Objectives
- To ensure that Kenya Tour Operators maintain the highest possible standards of service and integrity.
- To provide information to members, clients, and agents towards beneficial relations.
- To create business opportunities for members.
- To lobby for the interests of KATO members in formulating and implementation of government policy and legislation.
To mediate disputes between members and trade partners.
Our Members
Membership of KATO is open to all licensed tour operators who meet our basic requirements as provided in the Constitution. There are three main membership categories for tour companies namely FULL, ASSOCIATE and PROVISIONAL.
There is also a provision for non-tour operating companies, allied to tourism and whose membership is of benefit to KATO. These fall under the AFFILIATE and CORPORATE membership categories.
All KATO members are bound by the rigid rules of their own Code of Conduct. The Association ensures that all its members provide the highest standard of service to clients. Any complaints that may arise are handled by our Ethics and Standards Sub-Committee in liaison with the Ministry of Tourism.
In enhancing our client’s perception of credibility and quality, KATO has introduced a “Bond Scheme” for all their members with the key objective of offering financial guarantees to all their clients.
For a complete listing of our members, click here…
Membership Structure
Membership Structure
The various categories of membership are proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the members at a General Meeting.
Associate Members:
Any bona fide tour operating company which:
(a) Holds a tour operator’s license under the Tourist Industry Licensing Act (or any law amending or replacing the same); and
(b) shows proof to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that it has a Gross Annual Turnover up to a figure to be set from time to time by the Executive Committee; provided that, for firms owned or run by well-known reputable Industry person(s), this
The requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee; and
(c) Has its registered office in Kenya; shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Association at the discretion of the Executive Committee for a period of one year.
Full Members:
Any bona fide tour operating company which:
(a) Holds a tour operator’s license under the Tourist Industry?
Licensing Act (or any law amending or replacing the same); and has been so licensed for a minimum period of one year; and
(b) Which has been operating for a minimum of one year, or which
has been an Associate Member of the Association for a minimum period of one year; and
(c) which has a registered office in Kenya; and
(d) The standard of service and integrity of which is acceptable to the
Executive Committee; and
(e) Which shows proof of sales promotional material to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for Full Membership of the Association, in its respective category.
Categories of full members:
Categories of full members are A-E and are determined by Gross Annual Turnover as determined by the Executive Committee from the Certificate of Earnings furnished by the Member each year.
Affiliate Membership:
Local allied trade companies, associations, or individuals from whom KATO can benefit may be admitted as Affiliate Members of the Association at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Provisional Members:
Applicants that have only one or two minor deficiencies in meeting membership requirements are accorded the opportunity to become members while not diluting the existing membership application procedures. The period of review under this category is set at a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years, during which all the outstanding issues must be resolved. Provision members upon meeting the conditions set for them automatically are elevated to Associate Membership at any time either after the minimum 6 months or within the maximum of two years.
Corporate Members:
This category allows the inclusion of non-tour operating companies that can interact with KATO members. This interaction is expected to improve the business-to-business relationship between members and also to mutually benefit from each other.
Honorary Membership:
Individuals who have served the tourist industry with distinction may be Elected Honorary Members annually at the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee or on a proposal by Any Full Member.
Cessation Of Membership:
Any Member which:
(a) Resigns, or
(b) Fails to pay the annual subscription, or
(c) Fails to submit its Certificate of Earnings, or
(d) Is expelled, or
(e) Ceases to be a Member for any other reason, as provided by the Constitution and Rules.
For further inquiries please contact the undersigned:
The Chief Executive Officer
Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO)
P.O.BOX 48461-00100
Email: info@katokenya.org
KATO Executive Committee, 2024/2025

Mr. Fred Odek

Dr. Mary Ragui
Strategy & Partnerships Sub-Committee

Mr. Joshua Nyiera
Finance/Ethics & Standards Sub-Committees

Monika Solanki

Mr. Alexander Spiro

Mr. Peter Ngori

Margaret Kulokhoma

Ms. Gabriele Nowak

Mr. Michael Njogu

Dr. Mohanjeet Brar

Mr. Meshack Mureithi
Executive Committee Member