Applying For KATO Membership

How Does One Join KATO?

After one (1) year of operation as a limited liability company with a Tour Operator’s license from the Tourism Regulatory Authority (TRA), one may make a formal application in writing requesting to join KATO. Subsequent to this, applicants will be furnished with a Membership Application form, two Questionnaires, and a Notice of Categorisation.

These documents are to be returned to the Secretariat duly filled and with the Categorisation form duly certified by the applicant’s  Auditors. In addition, one will also be required to attach copies of their  Certificate of Incorporation (not Certificate of Business Name Registration), Ministry of Tourism License, and any promotional materials/brochures that may enable the Ethics and Standards Sub-Committee to adequately assess your application.

Benefits of Joining KATO

KATO is an umbrella body formed in 1978 and comprises of the most experienced Tour Operators in Kenya.  It is your best source of information for tourist-related matters.

We also help promote Kenya as a prime destination locally and abroad. KATO Members are bound by a Code of Conduct that ensures that they uphold the business ethics of the Travel Profession and requires that they trade honestly.

Visitors to Kenya are advised to arrange their holidays through KATO Members who are listed on our website.

Benefits of KATO Membership


Communication from official circles (KWS, KTB, and KTF) is sent through the Association and thereafter disseminated to members and not to individual companies. Members have access to the latest information on Industry events and news through circulars as well as the KATO E-bulletin. This E-bulletin includes member introductions, summaries of member-specific news and advisory updates as well as a listing of upcoming events.


KATO gives recommendations/references to agents and tourists on behalf of its members. It also recommends its members in dealings with other tourism trading bodies including KTB as its members are recognized both locally and internationally as quality tourism providers


Members that are tour operating entities are under the bonded scheme which provides agents and clients with the added reassurance and peace of mind whilst dealing with KATO members.

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